Thursday, August 2, 2007


Date: 02/08/2007

Subject: Questions Preparation

As stated in previous blog, our group has come up with sample of questions to interview the company owner on our next visit.


1. Can you please kindly explain a little bit about your company’s background?
2. Is your company a sole proprietor or share partner business?
3. Who are the regular customers?
4. What is the core business of your company?
5. How many workers do you have?
6. What services do you provide?
7. Explain Your Company’s business process?
8. What are the departments that exist?
9. What are the challengers that you encounter?
10. How do you solve the challengers?
11. How do you market your services?
12. What are the complaints and comments that you receive from your customers?
13. How customer can contact your company?
14. Are you going to expand your company?
15. How do you document your transaction or business process?
16. If you were given a chance to reengineer your company which area would you like to improve?

Authorization letter is in progress.

All members were assigned tasks to perform a study on the business process redesign.

All members are required to attend the next meeting which will be held next week.


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